
 别名:Belçim Bilgin 性别:女 地区:土耳其安卡拉 身高:未知 体重:未知 星座:水瓶座 血型:未知 生日:1983-01-31 出生地区:未知

Belcim Bilgin, born in Ankara, was upon completion of her High School education at the Mehmet Emin Resulzade Anatolian Lycee, s elected for admission to the Ankara Art Theatre, where she studied until 2001. Leaving in the middle of a degree in information management at Hacettepe University, she travelled to Paris for the post-production of director Hiner Saleem’s first film, Kilometer Zero. While working on the film in Paris, she also received instruction in the French language at the Sorbonne School of Languages. In 2005, Kilometer Zero was released and entered in the 2005 Cannes Film Festiva...